I thought I'd pop on over here since we hosted a successful birthday for my daughter Avery yesterday. Here's how the year-in-the-making party evolved...
The thought of a tea party actually started when my mom and sister and I were in a little shop up north two summers ago and found little plates shaped like teapots. My mom said, "That would be a cute theme some day when Ave is a little older!" The planning for her party for last year was already well underway at that point.
I loved Avery's birthday last year...the decorations were everything I love about parties. Loved the flowers, loved the colors, loved everything. So at that party my sister and I decided that she would use the same goods for my niece Finley's party. I fixed everything up right away so that Finley could use it...but that only made me like it even more.
As I've said before, now that there are also 5 grandchildren on each side of our family, birthday parties seem to come so often so we've started to combine parties where we can. At that party of Avery's last year I decided that Tate and Avery should probably have a family party together in January this next year instead of each having a separate one so my family could save on driving. Long story short, I decided it would be perfect if I had a kids party for Aves right at her birthday time and then a family party later, which allowed me to REUSE her last year's decorations!! Avery and I discussed a tea party theme {which turned into a par-TEA thanks to a great idea from my friend Heidi. Thanks Heidi...love you!}.
I started collecting little things right away...in fact when I pulled it all out this past weekend my husband said "Haven't you had that for like a year?" Well, yes, actually, I have.
Okay...talky, talky, yada, yada...onto the party.
First, the invitations...
We also decided somewhere along the line {probably about the time we decided to buy Ave an American Girl doll for her birthday} that we needed a twist, so we decided it would be a "dolly & me par-tea" instead, which could not have worked more perfectly. Guests were asked to bring their favorite doll and to wear a dress or skirt.
The invitations were inspired by last year's flower theme and invitations so we could incorporate them, but also the biggest inspiration for the party: this Michael Miller fabric which just so happened to coordinate with the paper and fabric from last year perfectly. Sometimes the stars just align. Can you say that when you're talking about fabric? Well, I just did. So there.
Onto the actual party...we decided to have the party over lunch time so that we could incorporate a little lunch into the day. The guests arrived at 11:00. First the girls did a little running and playing in Avery's room. This also allowed me 5 minutes to snap a few pics of the decor that I meant to take way earlier that morning, but you know how time flies and I was lucky I was dressed when the guests arrived! I didn't even have time to put lipstick or jewelry on. =) I did manage to get Avery and her dolly Hadley into their dresses.
Most of the decor I put in our dining room for the tea party. I also used a long table that I put on tubs on the floor so it would be the right height for the girls to sit by in our living room to do projects for the day.
When all guests had arrived, I settled them down by letting each girl color their own teapot coloring sheet {which I designed and printed with each girl's name on it...except for Avery's! She said, "Mom, don't I get one?!" Oops!! A couple seconds of designing and pushing print and we were all good!"}
When they were all done coloring, they each had a chance to make their own necklace with my favorite beads...if you have a daughter I would seriously suggest going and buying these...HOURS of fun!
These are two of my favorite photos from the day:
Paige showing me her jewelry and Ava's reflection in the mirror as she checks herself out...
After all guests were well adorned with necklaces, bracelets, and rings, we decided we better use the opportunity to get a group photo before anyone ate and got dirty. So we put a hat on everyone {including their dolls!} and got a few pics.

Since our littlest two guests wouldn't pose for a pic with Avery because they were too busy trying to retrieve the beads their moms told them they couldn't have, their little bums will have to do.
Then it was time for tea! The menu consisted of deli sandwiches, fruit kabobs, macarons, and tea that strangely tasted something like apple fruit punch. =)
Then it was time for tea! The menu consisted of deli sandwiches, fruit kabobs, macarons, and tea that strangely tasted something like apple fruit punch. =)
The girls were so dainty and polite. I loved every second of it! While I cleaned up the table and got ready for cake my sister Kara painted the girls' faces.
After a quick round of gift opening, it was already time for the girls to go home. They each brought home the teacup and saucer they used at the party, the necklace/bracelet/ring they made, and some candy.
I was disappointed that as the girls were leaving the mailman showed up with the box of crayons that I had ordered for the girls to color their teapots with. =( They are adorable and I am so sad to send them back.
Overall it was such a great day. We were tired and happy people when the girls left!
Happy 5th birthday, Avery Elaine! Love you girl!
Vendor details...
Vendor details...
Avery's dress: *golden*
Doll dress: Dressurdolly2
Teacup ring: My Little Red Wagon
Cake topper doll: Lollipop Workshop
Poms: PomLove
Teapot plates: Plates and Napkins
Grass mats: Heart to Heart
Name card holders: beaucoup
All paper decorations and invitations were made my yours truly!
If you see anything else that I am forgetting, let me know...glad to give a shout out where one is due!