Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You're invited...again!

So I said I was going to break up the invitations entry between two nights so that they didn't get too long, so here we go!

These invitations I made for my niece, Addie, for her 1st birthday coming up in a few weeks. I didn't even know if I was going to blog about them for the simple fact I cannot take credit for the basic idea of the invitations at all. I made them from absolute scratch on my computer (even the candy graphics were drawn by me) and changed a lot of the wording and such, but they are a "girly" version of an invitation my sister-in-law Lindsey found online. It was a site where you could go to help pick the invitations and favors and such for Max Sutter, son of The Bachelorette's Trista and Ryan Sutter. They were ultimately not the ones that the Sutters used for Max's birthday, but Lindsey loved them and since we were sending them basically to our family, I said sure! The whole theme of Addie's birthday (and Max's too) is "Candyland", inspired by the song you should hear playing right now. Singing it to Addie always makes her giggle. I don't know everything Lindsey is planning, but from the things I've seen and what she's told me, it's going to be SO CUTE!

So here are the invitations for Lindsey and Mike's little SWEETIE...
They sent along the photo they had taken of her and her lollipop inside the invitation...adorable!

I'm going to show you these next two invitations, but keep the inspiration and party details for later, since I am in the process of making the rest of the partyware for both parties.

This customer (who oddly ended up being a very good college friend of one of my neighbors, though she lives in a different state and found me through Etsy!) is having a party for her 1 year old son, Carter, and her 4 year old son, Jack. She wanted a bit of a sophisticated twist on a circus animals theme.

When I blog about her whole package, I'll show you the pic she sent for inspiration, but for now, you'll have to just imagine it. Can you see the circus tent in there?

And the last ones for tonight are the ones I sent out for my son Beckett's 1st birthday. Of course I will have MANY more pictures of this one in a few weeks!

Just as a side note...I am having knee surgery tomorrow morning so I don't know if that will make it more likely that I'll be on the computer tomorrow night or less likely! It all depends on how I feel. Right now I am just thinking of what I should ask my husband to buy for me for my "last supper"...yes I know I already ate my real supper tonight with my family, but I can't eat after midnight and probably won't be eating until about 4:00 tomorrow afternoon, so I feel I need something really good to make it last! He's waiting for the Twins game to get over and he promised he'd run to the grocery store...any suggestions??

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